"The food urges are gone." -Patti

Helping Women  

End the Struggle with Food 

So They Can Lose the


Feel Better & Have More Confidence.

Yes Please!

Helping Women  

End the Struggle with Food 

So They Can Lose the


Feel Better & Have More Confidence.

 FREE 30 min coaching session: learn how to end your struggle with food and achieve and maintain your Ideal weight with ease

This is your chance to experience the power of coaching. Learn how to get the results you desire for FREE!











Yes Please!


The desire to eat when we are not hungry is a feeling that we call an urge.

In this FREE Guide, you'll learn how to use brain science to stop food urges. 

You've Been Praying For Help

You hope there is a way to finally find peace with food and harmony in your body. But after so many failed attempts, the fear creeps in...What if I try again and still don't get it right?

I see you. I hear you. And I want you to know-there is hope. 

I take women on a journey to...

  • Quiet the mental food chatter-so food is just food again, not a constant source of stress. 
  • Live in harmony with the body God gave you-embracing the gift that it is, without shame or frustration. 
  • Feel in control around food-no more spiraling, no more guilt, no more starting over on Monday. 
  • Trust yourself-knowing you can enjoy food without fear of losing control
  • Make peace with your body-and treat it with love and respect, no matter what.  

The method I teach is unlike anything you've tried before. It's not about willpower or restriction-it's about accepting your body as a divine gift and partnering with her in a sacred, God-centered way. 

This process combines faith-based principles with brain-science-backed behavioral techniques, helping you release unhelpful thought patterns and emotional burdens that have kept you stuck. 

This is for women who are truly ready to let go of the identity of "someone who struggles with food" and instead step into their true identity-as a woman of God who exercises her God-given power of choice with food, feels deeply connected to her body, and unconditionally accepts herself as a divine creation. 

If you are ready, Let's do this-together.

Learn More About FBF


Hi! I'm Kerrie Nygard, Certified  personal trainer, fitness nutrition, Life Coach and mom of six.

I was the "big girl". I was the one teased about my weight and stuck in a dieting cycle from age 13 through college. Pregnancy only continued the pattern-gain weight, restrict, repeat.

Determined to finally figure it out, I became a certified personal trainer and nutritionist, hoping to make weight maintenance effortless. Even at my "fittest" after my fifth child, I was trapped in constant food chatter. That's when God showed me a different way. 

I learned to accept the gift of my body as God intended as well as changing thoughts, trust my body, and maintain my ideal weight-without dieting. Now, I help other women do the same through Freedom with Body and Food (FBF) - a program designed to end the struggle for good. 


The Program that shows you how to end the struggle with food. Be in control and reach your ideal weight permanently. 

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Get a Free Download to Help you with Body Acceptance

Sustainable & permanent weight loss is founded upon body acceptance. Start to create the shift with this FREE download 

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What can you expect from life coaching with Kerrie?

I've created Freedom with Body and Food (FBF) program for the faith-based woman who has dieted over and over. She has lost weight before but never maintained it permanently. She is tired of the food struggle and just wants to feel in control with food. What makes this program different then other weight loss programs? It focuses on created the internal framework with your thoughts and emotions of someone who no longer struggles with food and weight. It is based off of brain and behavioral science. It is what I did to achieve ease with food and my body. IT WORKS! You deserve to be who you truly are, you are what you truly desire. To be free to live life without struggling with food and weight. 

Learn More

What My Clients Say

"Because of FBF food isn’t a top priority or taking up space in my mind.  I don’t constantly think about my next meal or get super excited about foods that used to excite me because I no longer see them as something to sneak or off limits." 

-Camille Kiester

"Through Kerrie's teachings in FBF, I have been relieved of a seemingly relentless burden and blessed instead with knowledge, understanding, compassion, love and divine truth!  I love it!"


 "Learning about my brain, the way I think and why I think it is helping me to overcome one of my biggest obstacles—myself. Now I know how to put my dreams and ideas into action without letting my fears and concerns halt my progress!"

- Crystal Zurlinger

 "Working with Kerrie has given me freedom around my thoughts. Freedom that I have always had but never realizedKerrie approaches each session in a way that is completely noninvasive. She is not there to tell me what to think, rather, she creates an environment that allows me to learn that I have freedom in my thoughts, freedom that I never knew I had. This has changed the way that I approach every circumstance. It has improved my relationships, and most of all it has improved the way I think about myself.

-Marjorie Brown

"Kerrie is very intuitive. She listens closely and has really helped me understand my thoughts relating to my feelings without judgment. I have come to understand and love myself better." 

-TJ Darling

"I can’t tell you how much she has helped me in just a short time! She has helped me understand that I can choose my thoughts and that my mistakes and my weaknesses don’t define me." 

-Terry Langston

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